Creating logfiles

Up: The MPE library of useful extensions Next: Parallel X Graphics Previous: The MPE library of useful extensions
You can create customized logfiles for viewing with upshot by calls to the various mpe logging routines. For details, see the mpe man pages. A profiling library exists that automatically logs all calls to MPI functions. To find out how to link with a profiling library that produces log files automatically, see Section Automatic generation of profiling libraries .
To be added in later editions of this User's Guide:
All mpe logging routines
Format of logfiles
An example logfile

Up: The MPE library of useful extensions Next: Parallel X Graphics Previous: The MPE library of useful extensions
Parallel X Graphics

Up: Creating logfiles Next: Other mpe routines Previous: Creating logfiles
The available graphics routines are shown in Table 1 . For arguments, see the man pages.
You can find an example of the use of the mpe graphics library in
the directory mpich/mpe/contrib/mandel. Enter
make mpirun -np 4 pmandelto see a parallel Mandelbrot calculation algorithm that exploits several features of the mpe graphics library.

Up: Creating logfiles Next: Other mpe routines Previous: Creating logfiles
Other mpe routines

Up: Creating logfiles Next: Profiling libraries Previous: Parallel X Graphics
Sometimes during the execution of a parallel program, you need to ensure that only a few (often just one) processor at a time is doing something. The routines MPE_Seq_begin and MPE_Seq_end allow you to create a ``sequential section'' in a parallel program.
The MPI standard makes it easy for users to define the routine to be called when an error is detected by MPI. Often, what you'd like to happen is to have the program start a debugger so that you can diagnose the problem immediately. In some environments, the error handler in MPE_Errors_call_dbx_in_xterm allows you to do just that. In addition, you can compile the mpe library with debugging code included. (See the -mpedbg configure option.)

Up: Creating logfiles Next: Profiling libraries Previous: Parallel X Graphics