4.13. Error Handlers

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MPI-1 attached error handlers only to communicators. MPI-2 attaches them to three types of objects: communicators, windows, and files. The extension was done while maintaining only one type of error handler opaque object. On the other hand, there are, in C and C++, distinct typedefs for user defined error handling callback functions that accept, respectively, communicator, file, and window arguments. In Fortran there are three user routines.
An error handler object is created by a call to MPI_XXX_CREATE_ERRHANDLER(function, errhandler), where XXX is, respectively, COMM, WIN, or FILE.
An error handler is attached to a communicator, window, or file by a call to MPI_XXX_SET_ERRHANDLER. The error handler must be either a predefined error handler, or an error handler that was created by a call to MPI_XXX_CREATE_ERRHANDLER, with matching XXX. The predefined error handlers MPI_ERRORS_RETURN and MPI_ERRORS_ARE_FATAL can be attached to communicators, windows, and files. In C++, the predefined error handler MPI::ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS can also be attached to communicators, windows, and files.
The error handler currently associated with a communicator, window, or file can be retrieved by a call to MPI_XXX_GET_ERRHANDLER.
The MPI-1 function MPI_ERRHANDLER_FREE can be used to free an error handler that was created by a call to MPI_XXX_CREATE_ERRHANDLER.
[] Advice
to implementors.
High quality implementation should raise an error when an error handler
was created by a call to MPI_XXX_CREATE_ERRHANDLER is
attached to an object of the wrong type with a call to
MPI_YYY_SET_ERRHANDLER. To do so, it is necessary to
maintain, with each error handler, information on the typedef of the
associated user function.
( End of advice to implementors.)
The syntax for these calls is given below.

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