Малышкин Виктор Эммануилович |
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630090, г. Новосибирск
пр. Лаврентьева, 6, ИВМиМГ СО РАН, зав. отделом МО ВВС, профессор, зав. кафедрой Параллельных Компьютерных Технологий в НГТУ. |
Тел.: (3832) 34-3994,
факс: (3832) 32-4259, E-mail: malysh@ssd.sscc.ru(link sends e-mail), WWW: http://www.ssd.sscc.ru/malysh(link is external) |
Научные интересы и направления исследрований: параллельные вычислительные технологии, технология ASSY(link is external), синтез параллельных программ, параллельные реализации математических моделей, архитектуры параллельных вычислительных систем, параллельные языки.
Список избранных публикаций:
- V.A.Valkovskii, V.E.Malyshkin. Synthesis of Parallel Programs and Systems on the Basis of Computational Models. - Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1988. (In Russian).
- V.A.Valkovskii,V.E.Malyshkin. The Elements of Modern Programming and Supercomputers. - Nauka, Novosibirsk, 1990. (In Russian).
На русском языке
- V.E.Malyshkin. Organization of Parallel Computations on Large-Block Multicomputer Systems. - Programmirovanie, No.4, 1992,.(In Russian).
- V.A.Valkovskii,V.E.Malyshkin. To More Detailed Definition of the Programming Languages Nonprocedurality. Kibernetica, No.3, 1981.
- V.Vshivkov, M.Kraeva, V.Malyshkin. Parallel Implementations of PIC Method. - Programmirovanie, Vol.2, 1997, pp. 39-51.
На английском языке
- V.E.Malyshkin. Linearized Mass Computation. - In Proceedings of PaCT-91 International Conference (Novosibirsk, USSR,1991), pp. 339 - 353, World Scientific, Singapore.
- V.A.Anisimov, V.E.Malyshkin. Assemble Parallel Programming System INIA. - In Proceedings of PaCT-91 International Conference (Novosibirsk, USSR, 1991), 316- 324. World Scientific, Singapore.
- V.E.Malyshkin. Assembly Parallel Programming: some examples. - In Proceedings of PaCT-93 International Conference (Obninsk, Russia, 1993), 191-198.
- V.E.Malyshkin. Assembly Environment for Development of Application Parallel Programs. In: Proceedings of HPCN (High Performance Computing and Networking) International Conference (Munich, Germany, 1994), Vol.II: Networking and Tools, Springer Verlag, LNCS No.797, p. 302-307
- M.Royak,E.Shurina,Y.Soloveichik, V.Malyshkin. Parallelization of Computer Code MASTAC Three-Dimensional Finite Elements Method Implementing. LNCS No.964, pp.304-313, Proceedings of PaCT-95, St.Petersburg, Russia, 12-15, September 1995.
- V.Malyshkin. Functionality in ASSY System and Language of Functional Programming. Proc. "The First Aizu International Symposium on Parallel Algorithms/Architecture Synthesis", 1995, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Fukushima, Japan. IEEE Comp. Soc. Press, Los Alamitos, California. P. 92-97.
- M.Kraeva, V.Malyshkin. Implementation of PIC Method on MIMD Multicomputers with Assembly Technology. In Proceed. of HPCN Europe 1997 (High Performance Computing and Networking) International Conference, LNCS, Vol.1255, Springer Verlag, 1997. pp. 541-549.
- V.Malyshkin. Concepts and Features of Processes Flying Technology. In Proc. of the First IEEE International Symposium on Object Oriented Real Time Distributed Computing, Kyoto, Japan, April 20-22, 1998. IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 281-284.
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