
Up: The mpich Programming Environment Next: mpirun, a Portable Startup Script Previous: The mpich Programming Environment
The MPI standard specifies nothing outside of MPI programs, not even how they will be started. MPICH supplies a number useful tools for managing MPI programs, including
1. mpirun, a portable startup command, so that MPI programs can be
started the same way in many different environments,
2. mpicc and mpif77, easy ways to compile and link MPI programs.
3. mpireconfig, a way to create Makefiles from templates
4. mpe, a library of useful routines that work will with MPI. Curently this library includes both routines for producing log files of time-stamped events and a simple parallel X graphics library, routines for providing a sequential section code, and routines to start a debugger when errors occur.
5. a set of predefined profiling libraries. The MPI Standard specifies a mechanism whereby the user may ``wrap'' any collection of MPI functions with code of his own, without accessing the MPI implementation source code. We supply tools for constructing such a profiling version of the MPI library with a minimum of effort, as well as three preconstructed sets of wrappers, for accumulating time spent in MPI routines, for preparing log files, and for program animation.
6. upshot, a tool for examining log files produced by the mpe logging functions or by the automatic logging in the logging profiling library.
7. nupshot, an experimental, faster version of upshot.

Up: The mpich Programming Environment Next: mpirun, a Portable Startup Script Previous: The mpich Programming Environment