10.1.8. Exceptions

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The C++ language interface for MPI includes the predefined error handler MPI::ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS for use with the Set_errhandler() member functions. MPI::ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS can only be set or retrieved by C++ functions. If a non-C++ program causes an error that invokes the MPI::ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS error handler, the exception will pass up the calling stack until C++ code can catch it. If there is no C++ code to catch it, the behavior is undefined. In a multi-threaded environment or if a non-blocking MPI call throws an exception while making progress in the background, the behavior is implementation dependent.
The error handler MPI::ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS causes an MPI::Exception to be thrown for any MPI result code other than MPI::SUCCESS. The public interface to MPI::Exception class is defined as follows:
namespace MPI { class Exception { public:Exception(int error_code);
int Get_error_code() const; int Get_error_class() const; const char *Get_error_string() const; }; };
[] Advice
to implementors.
The exception will be thrown within the body of MPI::ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS. It is expected that control will be returned to the user when the exception is thrown. Some MPI functions specify certain return information in their parameters in the case of an error and MPI_ERRORS_RETURN is specified. The same type of return information must be provided when exceptions are thrown.
For example, MPI_WAITALL puts an error code for each request in the corresponding entry in the status array and returns MPI_ERR_IN_STATUS. When using MPI::ERRORS_THROW_EXCEPTIONS, it is expected that the error codes in the status array will be set appropriately before the exception is thrown.
( End of advice to implementors.)

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