Other MPI Documentation

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Information about MPI is available from a variety of sources. Some of these, particularly WWW pages, include pointers to other resources.
The Standard itself:
MPI Forum discussions
The MPI Forum email discussions and both current and earlier versions of the Standard are available from netlib.
Using MPI: Portable Parallel Programming with the Message-Passing Interface, by Gropp, Lusk, and Skjellum [3].
MPI: The Complete Reference, by Snir, et al.
Mailing lists:
mpi-comm@cs.utk.edu: The MPI Forum discussion list.
mpi-impl@mcs.anl.gov: The implementors' discussion list.
mpi-bugs@mcs.anl.gov: The address to report problems with mpich to.
Implementations available by ftp:
mpich is available by anonymous ftp from info.mcs.anl.gov in the directory pub/mpi/mpich, file mpich.tar.Z.
LAM is available by anonymous ftp from tbag.osc.edu in the directory pub/lam.
The CHIMP version of MPI is available by anonymous ftp from ftp.epcc.ed.ac.uk in the directory pub/chimp/release.
Test code repository (new):

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