MPI arguments for the application program

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These are currently undocumented, and some require configure options to have been specified (like -mpipktsize and -chmemdebug). The -mpiversion option is useful for finding out how your installation of mpich was configured and exactly what version it is.
- -mpedbg
- If an error occurs, start xterms attached to the process that generated the error. Requires the mpich be configured with -mpedbg and works on only some workstations systems.
- -mpiversion
- Print out the version and configuration arguements for the mpich implementation being used.
- -mpichdebug
- Generate detailed information on each operation; this is useful only to experts.
- -mpiqueue
- Describe the state of the queues when MPI_Finalize is called. Can be used to find lost messages.
These arguments are provided to the program, not to mpirun. That is,
mpirun -np 2 a.out -mpichmsg

Up: Debugging MPI programs Next: p4 arguments for debugging Previous: Command-line arguments for mpirun