Voevodin Vladimir Valentinovich

Current positions:
Personal Statement:
Voevodin Vladimir specializes in parallel computing, supercomputing, program tuning and optimization, fine structure of algorithms and programs, parallel programming technologies, the use of high performance architectures, efficient parallel programming methodology, and tools for parallel computers. His research includes the theory and practice of development, optimization, and fine tuning of parallel software, various question related to efficiency and performance of parallel applications and supercomputers. He has developed a novel approach for deep analyses, transformation and optimization of large codes based on the innovative theory of informational structures of algorithms and programs. His research, experience and knowledge became a basis for the supercomputing center of Moscow University, which was founded in 1999 and is currently the largest supercomputing center in Russia. He has contributed to the design and implementation of the following tools, software packages, systems and online resources: V- Ray, X-Com, AGORA, Parallel.ru, hpc-education.ru, hpc-russia.ru, LINEAL, Sigma, Top50, LAPTA. He has published 80 scientific papers with 4 books among them. Vl.Voevodin is one of the founders of Supercomputing Consortium of Russian Universities established in 2008, which currently comprises more than 50 members. He is a leader of the major national Supercomputing Education activities in Russia, General Chair of the two largest Russian Supercomputing Conferences.
Education, degrees:
- 2009, Full Professor on specialization “Applied and system software, computers, computing systems and networks”.
- 2003, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences, section “Mathematical sciences”, specialization “Applied mathematics and informatics”.
- 1997. Moscow State University: Doctor of Science Degree in Computer Science.
- 1989. Moscow State University: Ph.D. Degree in Computer Science.
- 1979-1984 – Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University. MS. Degree in Applied Mathematics.
Experience in education:
1995-present: lecture courses on Parallel Computing and Supercomputing Technologies in Moscow State University, Kazan State University, Dubna State University, Ufa State University, South-Ural State University, University of Pereslavl-Zalessky, Tomsk State University, Vladimir State University, Niznij Novgorod State University. General Chair of the Summer Supercomputing Academy at Moscow State University.
- 2011, The Informatics Europe Curriculum Best Practices Award on Parallellism & Concurrency for the proposal “Parallelism & Concurrency: Changing the Landscape of IT-Education”.
- 2011, Doctor Honoris Causa of Open Siberian University.
- 2009, Diploma of Professor for Applied and System Software, Computers, Computing Systems and Networks.
- 2009, Russian Academy of Sciences and Belarus National Academy of Sciences Award.
- 2009, Honorary Scientist of Moscow State University.
- 2004, Honorary Fellow on High Education of the Ministry for Education and Sciences of the Russian Federation.
- 2003, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences.
- 2002, State Award of the Government of the Russian Federation on education.
- 2000, I.I.Shuvalov First Prize of MSU Scientific Contest.
- 1999-2001, Grants of the President of the Russian Federation to young Doctors of Sciences.
Memberships in committees:
- Head of the Editorial Board of the Russian magazine “Supercomputers”,
- Member of the editorial board of the Russian journal “NewScientist”,
- Deputy Chief-Editor of the journal “Computational Methods and Programming” ISSN 0507-5386.
- Member of the Editorial board of the journal “Programming”, ISSN 0132-3474.
- Member of the Scientific Council of MSU.
- Deputy Head of the Scientific Council of the Research Computer Center of MSU.
- Deputy Head of the Council for awarding Doctor degrees at the Research Computing Center of MSU.
- Member of the Council for awarding Doctor degrees at South Ural State University.
- Member of the Council for awarding Doctor degrees at the Institute of Numerical Mathematics, RAS.
Selected publications:
- Voevodin V.V., Voevodin Vl.V. Parallel computing. - BHV-St.Petersburg, 2002, - 608P. (in Russian)
- Voevodin V.V., Voevodin Vl.V. Why Do We Use an Algorithm Graph for Analysis of Program Structure? // Research Report EM-RR5/92.
- Voevodin Vl.V. Is it Easy to Achieve a Promised Gigaflops?// Programmirovanie. 1995. N4. p.13-23. (in Russian)
- Voevodin Vl.V., Voevodin V.V. Analytical Methods and Software Tools for Enhancing Scalability of Parallel Applications, Proc. of Intl. Conf. HiPer'99, Norway, 1999, P.489-493.
- Voevodin V.V., Voevodin Vl.V. Software educational tools: new ideas.// J. Numerical methods and programming. MSU Publ., 2003, Vol.4, N1, p.207-212. (in Russian)
- Voevodin V.V., Voevodin Vl.V. Linear algebra. The electronic encyclopedia LINEAL. - BHV-St.Petersburg, 2006, - 550P. (in Russian)
- Voevodin Vl.V., Zjumatiy S.A. Computing and cluster systems.- MSU Publ., 2007.- 150P (in Russian)
- Voevodin Vl.V. Solving of large problems in distributed computing environments // Avtomatika & Telemechanika J.. 2007. Vol.5, p.32-45 (in Russian)
- Voevodin Vl.V., Gergel V.P. Supercomputing Education: the Trird Pillard of Supercomputing Technologies// J. Numerical methods and programming. MSU Publ., 2010, Vol.11, p.117-122. (in Russian)
- Voevodin Vl.V., Sokolinsky L.B., Popova N.N., Gergel V.P., Demkin V.P., Bukhanovsky A.V. Evolution of the Supercomputing Education in Russia: Results and Perspectives// Proceedings of Nizhny Novgorod State University, 2012, N4, p.203-209. (in Russian)